The son of the honest and the nobles will come



The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said,

“The Wilayat of 'Ali ibn Abi Talib is the Wilayat of Allah; love for him ('Ali) is worship of Allah; following him ('Ali) is an obligatory act from Allah; his friends are the friends of Allah and his enemies are the enemies of Allah; fighting with him is (like) fighting against Allah; and making peace with him is (like) making peace with Allah, the Noble and Grand.”

Al-Amali of as-Saduq, Page 32

  • servant oftheMahdi


It has been narrated from Jabir ibn 'Abdullah al-Ansari that:

 “I heard the Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) say to 'Ali ibn Abi Talib
(peace be upon him):

‘O’Ali ! You are my brother and my successor and my executor and my caliph over my nation both during my life and also after my death. Those who love you, love me; and those who hate you, hate me; and your enemy is my enemy.”

Al-Amali of as-Saduq, Page 124, Hadith 5

days until Eid al_Ghadir



  • servant oftheMahdi



The Messenger of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) has said:

“A person who wishes to live the life that I lived and wishes to die the way I die, and wants to reside in the perpetual Paradise which has been promised to me by my Lord should accept the Wilayat of 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace beupon him), because he will never drag you away from the path of true guidance and he will never misguide you.”


Al-Ghadir, Volume 10, Page 278


9 days until Eid al_Ghadir




  • servant oftheMahdi

It has been narrated from Abil Hasan ['Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha] (peace be upon him) that:

“The Wilayat of 'Amir al momenin (peace be upon him) has been written in all of the books of
the (previous) Prophets and Allah did not appoint a single Messenger except with a (pledge to the) Prophethood of Muhammad and the successorship of 'Ali (peace be upon him).”


Safinatul Bihar, Volume 2, Page 691

10 days until Eid al_Ghadir



  • servant oftheMahdi

He who trust what ever Allah has chosen for him to be good ,will never wish to be in any situation other than what Allah has chosen for him to be in .

Imam Hussain (A.s)

  • servant oftheMahdi


I asked Imam al-Jawad (PBUH) why Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH) is called al-Qa'im.
He (PBUH) replied, "Because he will rise after his remembrance is dead (in the society) and when most of the believers in his Imamat have turned back (from their belief)."
 I asked why he is called al-Muntadhar (the awaited).
He (PBUH) replied, "Because there shall be an occultation for him whose period shall be prolonged.
The sincere ones shall wait for him, the doubtful ones shall deny him, those who reject him shall ridicule his remembrance, and those who propose a time (for his reappearance) shall increase.

During that period, those who hasten in movement (al-Musta'jilun) shall perish, and (those who submit (to Allah'scommands and decrees)shall be saved."

  • servant oftheMahdi

Imam al-Sadiq (PBUH) said to his companions,
"Be more hopeful on the things that you consider far-fetched than that which you presume very likely.
Verily, Musa Ibn
Imran (PBUH) went to bring fire (to provide heat and light) for his family and when he came back to them he was an apostle, and this way,Allah rectified the matter of His servant and His Prophet, Musa (PBUH), within a night.
In the same way, Allah shall treat al-Qa'im, the twelfth of the Imams (PBUT).
He shall rectify his matter in one night and shall take him from complication and concealment to the light of relief and reappearance."


  • servant oftheMahdi


Imam Ali Ibn Musa al-Ridha (PBUH) said:

 "As for news of the time (of reappearance) indeed my father told me having heard it from his father who heard it from his ancestors who heard it from  Amir al-Muminin (PBUH) that it was asked from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUHHF)
'O the Apostle of Allah! When will al-Qa'im from your offspring appear?
He said, 'His similitude is the similitude of the Hour (of resurrection).

None but He shall manifest it at its time. It is heavy for the heavens and the earth. It will not come to you except suddenly.

  • servant oftheMahdi


Umar Ibn Hanzala narrated :

Imam al-Sadiq (PBUH) said, "There are five definite signs before the rising of alQa'im, which are:
(the rising of) al-Yamani and al-Sufyani, the (heavenly) cry/call (by Gabriel which will be heard all over the world), the murder of Nafs al-Zakiyya, and the sink (of the Sufyani army) into (the land of) al-Baydaa (located between Mecca and (Medina).

Even for some of the definite signs, Allah reserves al-Badaa, andmay change those of the definite wills that are not categorized as His Sunan or His promises. For instance, Allah informed us through His Apostle (PBUHHF) that before the reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH), al-Sufyani would certainly rise. This is a definite will, but it is not necessarily categorized as a promise. It is an insisted future event meaning that it is extremely unlikely that Allah cancels His permission for the occurrence of this event, though it may still be possible. According to the following tradition, Allah may make Badaa even in such insisted news.

 Dawud Ibn al-Qasim narrated:
We were with Imam al-Jawad (PBUH) when the issue of Sufyani was brought up and the traditions

which state that his advent is of the definite matters.
 I asked Imam al-Jawad (PBUH), "Does Allah make Badaa in the definite matters?"
He (PBUH) replied, "Yes."
 I said,"Then, we have a fear that Allah makes Badaa in (the reappearance of) al-Qa'im."
 The Imam replied, "al-Qa'im is of the promises, and Allah does not break His promises

  • servant oftheMahdi


Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (PBUH) said,
"The Qa'im shall not rise until after a great fear from people, the earthquake, afflictions,
trials, and the plague have been inflicted upon people, the war between Arabs,
great disagreement among people, breakups in their religion, change in their situation
 so that the wishers wish death every morning and night due to the enormity of what is observed, and the eating of people by people.
 The emergence of al-Qa'im (PBUH) shall be at the time of despair and hopelessness of people for finding any (other) opening or relief.

  • servant oftheMahdi