congoratulations the birth of our kind father IMAM MAHDI
I asked Imam al-Jawad (PBUH) why Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH) is called al-Qa'im.
He (PBUH) replied, "Because he will rise after his remembrance is dead (in the society) and when most of the believers in his Imamat have turned back (from their belief)."
I asked why he is called al-Muntadhar (the awaited).
He (PBUH) replied, "Because there shall be an occultation for him whose period shall be prolonged.
The sincere ones shall wait for him, the doubtful ones shall deny him, those who reject him shall ridicule his remembrance, and those who propose a time (for his reappearance) shall increase.
During that period, those who hasten in movement (al-Musta'jilun) shall perish, and (those who submit (to Allah'scommands and decrees)shall be saved."
- ۹۹/۰۱/۲۰