Lady Fatima and al-Kawthar
It was said earlier that ‘al-Kawthar’ has a vast, inclusive meaning which is ‘goodness in abundance’ and the examples are many
A large number of scholars of the Shia school believe that one of the most clear examples of this word is the auspicious existence of Fatima Zahra ....
because the occasion of the revelation of the verse indicates that the enemies accused the Noble Prophet of being without offspring to which the Qur’an replied: Surely (Muhammad) We have given you abundance of good (alKawthar).
From this verse we understand that this ‘abundance of good’ is that very Lady Fatima
In addition, not only is it the physical and biological offspring of the Prophet which will increase, rather it is these abundant number of offspring scattered which continue his religion and are responsible for the preservation of all of the values of Islam and continue to convey it to the future generations
This is not only limited to the infallible Imams of the Ahlul Bayt who have a literal number that we can enumerate, rather it is the thousands and thousands of children of Fatima which have spread around the entire world from whom so many great scholars, scientists, writers, exegetists, jurists, narrators of the Prophet’s sayings and leaders have come from – individuals who have left outstanding works and unmatched fame in this world, and have protected Islam with their selfless giving of themselves and their efforts) and their hard work and devotions Here, we encounter a very interesting discussion from Fakhr ad-Din al-Razi who along with other commentators on ‘al-Kawthar’,says
The third statement of the meaning of this chapter is that it was revealed to reject those who criticized the Noble Prophet for his lack of progeny
Therefore the meaning of this chapter is that Allah will give him a generation which will remain throughout all the ages
Considering the fact that how many members of the Ahlul Bayt have been martyred, we still see that the world is replete with them, whereas the Umayyads (who were the enemies of Islam) there remains no mentionable figure in the world
Then, behold and see how many of the great men of leadership such as al-Baqir, asSadiq, al-Ridha, and Nafs al-Zakiyyah etc… are found among them (the household)
- ۹۸/۰۹/۱۸