... This way, He reduced the time of their hardship
Imam al-Sadiq (PBUH) said, "When the period of the suffering of the children of Israel was prolonged, they wailed and cried to Allah for 40 mornings. Thereupon, Allah revealed to Moses (PBUH) and Aaron (PBUH) to rescue them from the (hands of) Pharaoh. This way, He reduced the period of their hardship by 170 years." Then, the Imam (PBUH) continued,
"This is your case as well, and if you do the same Allah shall certainly relieve us However, if you avoid it, this matter (i.e., the calamity before al-Faraj) shall surely (continue up to its laststage.
Suffering is a hint to the believers that they should implore Allah with humility. Allah says in the Quran
Before you We sent towards many nations, and We afflicted them with suffering and(adversity, that they might beseech (Us) in humility.
If the majority of people on earth sincerely seek relief (al-Faraj) from Allah and drop their hope from all the fallible leaders, Allah may decide to sanction the early reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH) without need for the occurrence of many of the foretold signs.
Notice that we say, "Allah may decide," which means this is not an urgent reaction to people's action, but rather it is a matter of choice for Allah as is the case for all other actions of Allah. He does what He will
- ۹۸/۰۹/۲۹