Sayyed-ibn-Taoos says to his son, Sayyed Muhammad:
‘O my son, Muhammad! I,advise you your brother and anyone who reads this book to deal correctly with the Almighty Allah and His messenger (s.a.w.a.) and to follow their recommendations and glad tidings about the advent of our master, Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). For, I have witnessed a plenty the words and deeds of numerous people in opposition to what Allah and His messenger wish so For instance, if he loses someone, a horse, a dirham or dinar, his thought will at once focus on them and he will earnestly strive to find them. But I have not found anyone so engrossed over the matter of delay in Imam’s advent as they are over such petty issues. Besides, they are not disturbed by Imam’s absence as they are by losing such petty things. So, how can such a person claim that he has recognized the right of the Almighty Allah and His messenger (s.a.w.a.) and that he believes in the Imamat of(Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)