The son of the honest and the nobles will come



Sayyed-ibn-Taoos says to his son, Sayyed Muhammad:

‘O my son, Muhammad! I,advise you  your brother and anyone who reads this book to deal correctly with the Almighty Allah and His messenger (s.a.w.a.) and to follow their recommendations and glad tidings about the advent of our master, Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). For, I have witnessed a plenty the words and deeds of numerous people in opposition to what Allah and His messenger wish so For instance, if he loses someone, a horse, a dirham or dinar, his thought will at once focus on them and he will earnestly strive to find them. But I have not found anyone so engrossed over the matter of delay in Imam’s advent as they are over such petty issues. Besides, they are not disturbed by Imam’s absence as they are by losing such petty things. So, how can such a person claim that he has recognized the right of the Almighty Allah and His messenger (s.a.w.a.) and that he believes in the Imamat of(Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)

  • servant oftheMahdi


The lessons we have learned from the life of the lady Fatima Zahra ,are those of persistence ,endeavor,effort,and living a life of purity

Ayatollah Khamenei




  • servant oftheMahdi


The divine scholar and jurist Ayatullah Mirza Mahdi Esfahani (1365 A.H.) a great lover of Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) in his letter to his student, Ayatullah Shaikh Muhammad Baqir Maleki Miyanji (1419 A.H.) pinpoints that the first duty of scholars is to open the door of the house of Ahl al-bayt (a.s.) before the Shias. He recommends them to talk about the Imamat and perfection of Imamof the age (a.t.f.s.)so that the people remain immune from the evil.

 In one part of this letter, he writes





  • servant oftheMahdi



Imam Ali (PBUH)said the following in one of his sermons preserved

in Nahj al-Balagha

Look at the people of the Prophet's family. Adhere to their direction. Follow their" footsteps because they shall never let you out of guidance and shall never throw you into destruction. If they sit down, you sit down, and if they rise up you rise up. Do not go ahead of them for you will go astray, and do not fall behind them for you will perish."

  • servant oftheMahdi


Imam al-Sadiq (PBUH) asked Fudhail Ibn Yasar,

"Do you assemble with your friends and narrate traditions?" He said, "Yes, may I be sacrificed for you." He (PBUH) said, "I hold dear such gatherings as it will revive our matter. May Allah have mercy on him who revives our matter. O Fudhail! He who remembers us or is reminded about us, and this brings tears to his eyes even to the extent of a wing of a fly, Allah will forgive (his sins even if they are greater than the foam of the sea.

  • servant oftheMahdi


Imam al-Sadiq (PBUH) said, "When the period of the suffering of the children of Israel was prolonged, they wailed and cried to Allah for 40 mornings. Thereupon, Allah revealed to Moses (PBUH) and Aaron (PBUH) to rescue them from the (hands of) Pharaoh. This way, He reduced the period of their hardship by 170 years." Then, the Imam (PBUH) continued,

"This is your case as well, and if you do the same Allah shall certainly relieve us However, if you avoid it, this matter (i.e., the calamity before al-Faraj) shall surely (continue up to its laststage.

Suffering is a hint to the believers that they should implore Allah with humility. Allah says in the Quran

Before you We sent towards many nations, and We afflicted them with suffering and(adversity, that they might beseech (Us) in humility.

If the majority of people on earth sincerely seek relief (al-Faraj) from Allah and drop their hope from all the fallible leaders, Allah may decide to sanction the early reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH) without need for the occurrence of many of the foretold signs.

Notice that we say, "Allah may decide," which means this is not an urgent reaction to people's action, but rather it is a matter of choice for Allah as is the case for all other actions of Allah. He does what He will




  • servant oftheMahdi


Being patient and remaining in a state of expectation are not easy tasks, and are much more difficult than making haste, because they require holding back and controlling one's desire. This is the greater Jihad and the best deed and worship. If one continues to be in such state, Allah has guaranteed deliverance for him.



  • servant oftheMahdi


We need to keep hope for divine relief, await the reappearance of al-Qa'im (PBUH) at any moment, and truly believe that Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH) is the only solution for our tragedies in the world. According to the traditions, this is the most virtuous struggle (Jihad) of the believers. A person faithfully living in expectation of Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH) works constantly at improving his spiritual state by acting upon the instructions of Ahl al-Bait (PBUT), working hard in obedience, and observing piety. In this manner, he persistently and increasingly makes himself more eligible to receive al-Qa'im (PBUH). The following Mutawatir Hadith is narrated with all these three wordings:

The Apostle of Allah (PBUHHF) said, "The best worship/deed/Jihad of my community is (awaiting the relief...

  • servant oftheMahdi

Imam al-Ridha (PBUH) said, "May Allah bless he who revives our matter/kingdom."

He was asked, "How is your matter revived?" The Imam (PBUH) replied, "To learn our knowledge and to teach them to the people. Verily, if people know the beauty of our sayings, they will follow us."

  • servant oftheMahdi

Imam Ali (as) describing the beliver

If he is silent his silence doesnt grieve him 

If he laughs he doesnt raise his voice 

and if he is wronged he endures till Allah takes revenge on his behalf

his own self is in distress because of him while the people are in ease from him .

he puts himself in hardship for the sake of his next life and makes people feel safe from himself

nahjul balagha

sermon  192

  • servant oftheMahdi