The son of the honest and the nobles will come

Ja'far Ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (PBUH) narrated from his father that the Apostle of Allah (PBUHHF) said, "O Ali! If a servant worships Allah for a thousand years, Allah shall not accept from him except by means of your Wilaya and the Wilaya of the Imams in your offspring. And verily your Wilaya shall not be accepted except by means of keeping aloof from your enemies and the enemies of the Imams in your offspring. This is what Gabriel has informed me. 'Thus let him who will, believe (it), and let him who will, reject it ....

  • servant oftheMahdi



Imam Baqir (PBUH) said: "... Is religion other than love and hate?" He (PBUH) then recited, "But Allah has made you love the Faith and has made it beautiful in your hearts, and He has made you hate disbelief, wickedness, and rebellion. Such indeed are those who grow in righteousness," and "They love those who migrate towards them," and "Say, 'If you truly love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. For Allah is forgiving, most merciful.'


  • servant oftheMahdi

whenever the name Hussain (as) is taken

The heart starts to beat fast ...

the eyes get filled up with tears ...

and to the grave of Hussain ...

for Karbala the soul yearns ...


  • servant oftheMahdi


Previous post proves that awaiting should be accompanied with hard effort in fulfilling one's duties. Those truly living in expectation of al-Qa'im (PBUH) act upon what the Ahl al-Bait (PBUT) have commanded and avoid what they have prohibited them even if these commandments and prohibitions have conflict with their personal wish, ideas, and desires.

  • servant oftheMahdi

We need to keep hope for divine relief, await the reappearance of al-Qa'im (PBUH) at any moment, and truly believe that Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH) is the only solution for our tragedies in the world.

  • servant oftheMahdi

A number of narrations in the Shi'ite collections of traditions inform us of some signs that will take place before the reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH). Some of these signs describe the hard condition of people in the world before his reappearance

  • servant oftheMahdi


It was said earlier that ‘al-Kawthar’ has a vast, inclusive meaning which is ‘goodness in abundance’ and the examples are many

A large number of scholars of the Shia school believe that one of the most clear examples of this word is the auspicious existence of Fatima Zahra ....

  • servant oftheMahdi

Learn to be quiet just as you learn to talk ,because if talking guides you , being quiet protects you .

By being quiet you attain two characteristics:

you are able to take knowledge from those more knowledgeable than you and
you are able to repel the ignorance of those more ignorant than you 

Imam Ali (as)

  • servant oftheMahdi

If my shia knew the intensity of my love for them ,

they would die from longing to see me ...

Imam Mahdi (ajtf)

  • servant oftheMahdi


The holy name of the Prophet (pbuh) is one of the most attractive Islamic phenomenon for all Muslims in the world, because it is about emotion and faith at the same time. Thus, the power of remembering this name, in different matters concerning Muslims, is much more than many other Islamic phenomena which rely solely on faith but do not arouse emotions.
As a result, many of the previous, great, Muslim intellectuals have said that the holy name of this superior personage, having faith in him, and keeping his memory alive can be the axis for the unity of the Muslims and their unity in practice. October 8, 1990



Imam Khamenei’

  • servant oftheMahdi